Not a whole lot going on around here. I just wanted to post a Nathan-update. We went to the doctor on Wednesday, and our little man got a glowing report. He's up to 19 pounds, 7 and a half ounces, and he's 27 and a half inches long. He's growing wonderfully, and ahead on most of the milestones. (i.e. reaching for things, sitting up, rolling over, etc.) We already knew he was doing fabulously there. He sits like a champ and within the last couple of weeks, he's started pulling himself up on the furniture and crawling on all fours. Cousin Matthew's got him beat for teeth, though. He's got two already! Mom and I decided he needed those to help fend off all of those brothers and sisters. (5 of them!!)
Nathan and Mom and I are going to visit Auntie M and Uncle Dave this weekend. We're all so excited that we're counting the hours. Well, all of us but Daddy. He keeps saying, "You're taking my boy for four whole days?? That's such a long time!" He's really going to miss his little buddy!
Well, I know it isn't much of an entry today, but I'll write more later. I know I'll have tons of new photos to scrap and share after our trip, but here are a couple of new pages I've done recently. Enjoy!

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