I don't have much time before work, but I have to brag on my boy. His first word is officially "ball," said within the last month. He would hold up a ball and say, "Bah" and we were so proud! Of course he'd call every toy a ball. When Bryan gets home, Nathan points at him and grins and says "Da" and that's exciting, but he calls the chair "da" and the tv, and the computer, and the cat, etc. etc.
But yesterday, he said two complete words, in context! I was so excited! We went to visit my mom at the bank, and in one of the offices there's a fish bowl on the desk. We were looking at the fish and I kept saying, "Is that a fish, Nathan? Fish?" and at first he said, "shshsh." It was more of a sound than a word, and then he got it. He said "fish" very plainly a couple of times. Then last night, I was eating a brownie, and he walked right up to me and said, "Bite!" Just like that. With puctuation and everything. I was so excited, I fed him TWO brownies, bite by bite, just because everytime he said, "bite" I couldn't say no.
I'm so proud of my boy!!! He'll be reciting Shakespeare in no time!
That is so cool! I knew he was saying Bah, but the rest is new to me. Awesome!
:) Girl I just realized something....so many times I have questioned how online friendships can be so true and so real and so sincere, and today your blog answered that....
I was on here when you spilled the pop on the pics, when you dropped the antibiotics and had hubby put Nathan to bed...I was on here when Nathan said "Bite!" and you fed him 2 whole brownies....
Online friendships ARE so real and true and sincere and CLOSE b/c we, through chat/IM/email are there for so many parts of each others lives!
I know that you and other online friends have been there when I was hurting, when I was worried, when I was happy...you all have shared so much of my life through words and photos and layouts that there is no way we could KEEP from being friends (um or worst enemies lol)....
Just wanted to let you know you solved a question as deep as "the meaning of life" for me today hahahaha....HUGS chica and WOO HOO Li'l Mr. Nathan!
hahahaha....lol i just read my comment to you and it sounded just like the childlike empress from The Neverending Story "I was there when you walked into that bookstore, and when you hid in the attic, I was there when....it is all part of a Neverending story..." :) sorry just another random thought from a redhead brain :)
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