Hello all! I hope your holidays were as great as ours. We had a wonderful Christmas. My child was totally spoiled rotten. He was so cute in his little blue corduroy suit on Christmas Eve. I don't have any pictures of it, though. Forgot to get them from the Grandmas.
Christmas morning was so great. Exhausting, but great. As usual, I was up til after 3am trying to get everything ready for the big day. Just as I was about to go to bed, Mr. Nathan decided to wake up to play. Usually if he wakes during the night we just give him a bottle and he goes right back to sleep. Evidently he knew it was Christmas. He woke up bright-eyed and ready to play. He wanted nothing to do with his bottle and he was not having any part of going back to sleep. He was up until 5:30! Then we had to get up at 8:30 so we could have our presents and get to my mom's in time for breakfast. So needless to say, we were like zombies.
Nathan did really great opening his gifts, but we had a little trouble getting him to put down the toy he just opened long enough to open another. He looked so cute in his little Christmas pjs, and he had the most sober look on his face while he unwrapped his gifts. This present thing is serious business!

You wouldn't believe the amount of stuff Nathan got. I thought he'd be opening all day!!

I got the cutest little package from Nathan. (I have a feeling Daddy helped.) It was all wrinkled and crumpled and it said, "To Mama From Nathan." Inside were the most adorable ornaments. One of them was a Boyd's Bear one that said, "I <3 Mom."

We had such a busy holiday! We went to Bryan's parents and then church on Christmas Eve, then we had Christmas morning at home, then breakfast at Mom's, lunch at Bryan's cousin's, and another dinner at my aunt's house. We all came home worn out. Nathan was spoiled, Bryan was spoiled (He got a PSP), and I was spoiled. I got nearly everything on my list. All in all, I have to say it was a fantastic holiday. and thanks to this little giftie that Santa brought to Mommy, I'm all ready for New Years!!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday too, and a Happy New Year!

1 comment:
he looks so cute with the candy canes, cant what to see him hope he remembers me
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